e-lerniq series

Managing Workplace Harassment

Typical Participants

New Managers 
Middle Management
Sr Management


10 Modules
Case Studies
Available 24/7


2 hrs

Course Level



Certificate of Participation

Language of Delivery


Managing Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment can present challenges for employees and employers alike. There can be a variety of forms of harassment, including slaps, unwanted touches or phrases that can make one feel uncomfortable at the job. These actions are not acceptable and should be reported so that they do not spread! 

For employees, harassment can create a hostile work environment that makes it difficult to do their job. Not only is this emotionally draining, but it can also lead to physical health problems. In addition, workplace harassment can have a negative impact on an employee's career. This is especially true if the harassment is directed at a protected characteristic, such as race or gender.  

For employers, workplace harassment can result in decreased productivity and employee morale. In extreme cases, it can even lead to legal action. This is why it is important for employers to create a policy against workplace harassment and to make sure that all employees are aware of it.

What Do Participants Learn in This Online 
Managing Workplace Harassment Course?

As a result of participating in this online workplace harassment course, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify the different types of harassment and their signs;
  • Understand the employer’s responsibilities;
  • Discuss how to remediate workplace harassment;
  • Understand the harassment reporting processes and procedures;
  • Discuss the steps that will be necessary in reporting harassment in the workplace.

What Will Be Covered in This Online
Managing Workpkace Harassment Course?

  • Discrimination (gender, race, religion, disability);
  • Physical (hitting, threatening behavior, destroying property, workplace homicide);
  • Verbal (yelling, insulting, ordering, blaming);
  • Sexual (touching, gestures, sharing inappropriate photos or jokes);
  • Psychological (isolating, discrediting, disparaging, contesting);
  • Cyberbullying (sending humiliating mass emails, sending harassing emails, emailing lies to others, monitoring policy);
  • Employer Responsibility (understanding laws (US), recordkeeping, Investigating complaints, remediating harassment);
  • Stopping Harassment Before it Happens (developing anti-harassment policy, regularly updating policy, training employees, emphasizing consequences for non-compliance);
  • Reporting Harassment (filing with HR ASAP, keeping detailed records, filing a lawsuit);
  • Handling Harassment Complaints (creating and publishing a step-by-step process, training employees, retaliating);

Other Formats Available

Live Online With Instructor

This training is also available as a live online with instructor session, offering an interactive and engaging learning experience from the comfort of your own home or office.


We also offer this training in a face-to-face format as an open program, ideal for professional individuals seeking a more traditional and interactive learning experience.

In-Company On Demand

We can bring this enlightening workshop directly to your company, tailoring it to meet your specific needs. If you're interested in this bespoke learning experience, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.