Sep 30

Navigating the Challenges of Employee Onboarding

Navigating the Challenges of Employee Onboarding: Insights from Adam's Journey
When Adam started his last job, he was brimming with enthusiasm and ready to dive into his new role. But the lack of a professional onboarding process quickly dampened his spirits. His introduction to the company was rushed, disorganized, and lacked the necessary framework to set him up for success. This experience underscores the challenges many companies face when it comes to onboarding - a crucial, yet often overlooked aspect of the employee lifecycle.

The Impact of Poor Onboarding
Inadequate onboarding can have far-reaching consequences. It can lead to high employee dissatisfaction, lower productivity, and potentially, a high turnover rate. In fact, employees typically “break even” 20 weeks after they begin working at a job. This means that their productivity equals what the company has invested in them. They begin to generate more value for the organization over time. A robust onboarding process can expedite this break-even point, but if mishandled, it can delay or even prevent it altogether.
Moreover, onboarding goes beyond just functional training. It also involves social integration, helping newcomers understand the company culture, and establishing the right support networks. When companies focus solely on the functional aspects, new hires may feel overwhelmed and uncertain about who to approach for help.

LERNIQ's Development Session: A Solution to Onboarding Challenges

Recognizing these challenges, LERNIQ offers a development session on onboarding. This course is designed to equip hiring managers and professionals with the knowledge and skills to conduct an effective onboarding process. It's particularly beneficial for companies without a dedicated Talent Acquisition department and for those who want a deeper perspective into the employee lifecycle.
The session covers a range of topics, including understanding the benefits and purpose of onboarding, preparing for an onboarding program, and identifying ways to engage and follow up with employees. It also emphasizes the importance of setting clear expectations and fostering resilience and flexibility in new hires.

Adam's New Beginning
In contrast to his previous experience, Adam's onboarding at his current company was a completely different story. The company had a structured onboarding process that not only covered his job role but also gave him a thorough understanding of the company culture. It didn't stop there. Regular follow-ups ensured he was settling well into his role. This professional approach to onboarding has significantly improved Adam's job satisfaction and has made him feel valued and part of the team.

The Bigger Picture: Employee Engagement and Retention
Onboarding is more than just a one-off process; it's the start of an employee's journey within the company. It sets the tone for their engagement, performance, and ultimately, their retention. A well-structured onboarding process, like the one Adam experienced at his current job, can significantly improve these aspects.
By attending LERNIQ's development sessions, companies can ensure they are welcoming new hires in the right way, nurturing their growth, and setting them up for success. After all, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and for employees, that step is onboarding.
Investing in onboarding is investing in your people, and as we all know, people are the most valuable asset of any organization.
Next Open Session Dates:
 9 June 2024